Saturday 9 March 2013

The 34. Day

E. and T. (3,5 years old) were here. E. was wondering how come S. has started doing yoga as well. You see, it was E. who first introduced me to Bikram Yoga. So I told her that S. quit smoking. E. was totally amazed and excited and wanted to know all details of the process. She smokes and so does her partner, but neither smokes a lot, I don't think.
So I did tell her the details. When we got to the flat, the three of us talked a lot about yoga, teachers, our experience  what we like and don't like about it. The different styles yoga teachers have. We talked about a lot of other stuff too, we haven't seen them for a long time. It was a very good afternoon, with Lego, food and a little helicopter flying by every hour.

It was great to see such amazement in E.'s eyes, she is someone who truly appreciates our achievements.  


Oh, by the way, another surprise arrived for S., a package from B. It's a metal puzzle sent by my sister, I. and her boyfriend N.

All of us tried to solve it this afternoon, including the 3,5 years old T. We told him he could have any chocolate he wanted if he solved it. ANY. That was a bit nasty to say, as none of us adults could solve it, although all of us tried it, someone was continuously trying to solve it all afternoon. No luck.

Well, it is "difficulty level 4"! Why not level 1, oh, why not? Calm down, it's not your gift. I am usually terrible at puzzles as such. Anyways, it's fun to try again and again.

Great gift, thank you, I. and N.!!!

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