Thursday 14 February 2013

The 11. Day

Last night the plans changed a bit, I offered to pick him up after work, in the end he asked me to take a train ride to London Bridge. We met there, he was glad to see me, wasn't in a bad mood.

At home we watched a funny, short video (for any Hungarian speakers out there) created by Hungarian students against the idiotic Hungarian government policies. Then we had dinner and watched the BBC documentary about smoking I found the day before (see yesterday's post).

The dinner I made turned out to be delicious and much appreciated by both of us. Salmon, mushrooms, a sauce made of mostly broccoli, tomatoes, parsley and a bit of cheese and baked goats cheese with a honey and grapes sauce. Yum!

We decided to postpone the massage and website building for today.


I realize now that I tend the write about the previous day, but have the present day as the title. Is that a problem? Maybe not. This blog is about the past, present and future. Just like everything else...


Last night he said he thinks he should give it some more time. Not one month, that's not enough, but 6 months. He said that! He thinks if the desperate urge he still feels does not calm down buy then, he will go straight back to smoking and never look back. He also said that feeling the urge now and then is fine, that he doesn't mind. But to continuously feel depressed, that is something he will not be able take for long. This all sounds pretty promising.


He says he misses the ritual a lot. His idea is to fully quit smoking, and then at some point, later on (when?) to start smoking cigars instead. Most people only smoke a limited number of cigars each day, so perhaps that could work. Perhaps one after dinner. Not continuously, not parallel to almost each and every activity you do. And there is a ritual there for sure. I like the smell of cigars. Perhaps it would work.


10 days done.


S. received a package from his Dad this morning. An encouraging package. It contained a box of nicotine patches, a box of nicotine gum and some (real) candy he likes. He checked out both the gum and the patches, read the information within. S. was surprised and thought it was a very nice and thoughtful idea from his Dad. Moments like this are very important. Always, but especially now.

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