Thursday 21 February 2013

The 18. Day

Incredibly enough, this is the 18. day post. For the minority who haven't read the title.

And on this day into our life... came... arrived... without further ado...

No, not a baby. (For those who might ask. There is always someone who asks.)

No, it's not a dog.

Not even a parrot. No birds. No, no mice either (thankfully).

Anyone else, any more guesses?

It's a small, yellow and black, electric helicopter.

S. and colleagues are having a tiny helicopter competition soon. You can't spend more than £25 on it and whoever flies it faster, wins. This idea came up at Friday drinks last week. S. ordered one online, it arrived yesterday. It's tiny and can land on the palm of your hand. It also looks like a large, delicate insect. Watch out plants, watch out lamp shades, all you paper lanterns out there!

The yellow copter is in da house!

Now why is this important? Because there is something we didn't know about it. You need to charge it for 1 hour and the copter flies for 5 minutes. Then you need to charge it for another hour, etc. Now isn't that a fine combination?


Doesn't that remind you of something strikingly similar?

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