Wednesday 6 February 2013

The 3. Day

It turns out, he needed the costs as each day he puts 7.77 into his savings account. Love this idea.

We went to see friends in the evening. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not, as I thought he might be very irritated and would be difficult to be around, especially in the first week. I was wrong.

S. had a lot of fun with our friends' 1.5 years old daughter who is lovely. It's easy to forget everything else when you look at her. It took his mind off his troubles. So if you have kids around, that helps a lot. Go and play with them, be in their world as much as you can. They don't care about cigarettes.

S. also went to the garden with our friend while she smoked. He didn't. I am very proud of him. It must be very hard. He has told me that at work he also regularly goes outside a few times each day (I think less than he used to) for short breaks with colleagues who smoke. He stands there and chats with them, while repressing the urge to smoke.

He has also bought some nicotine, some sort of nicotine "candy", as he called it. I am not sure which type he bought, didn't want to ask too many questions. It's the 3rd day and he has taken on some help. I think this is very good. I thought he rejected all pads, gum, etc. I hope it will help.

I asked how come he bought something like this, he said it was too much to do the quitting thing as well as giving up nicotine.

So, yes, nicotine is needed. And he doesn't like gum, this is why he decided to go for the candy.

He has also said it's going well. It's "just" that he always has the urge to light up...

Anyways, 3rd day done. Yesss!

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