Friday 15 February 2013

The 12. Day

The first pack of nicotine lozenges are finished, I have been asked to buy some new ones. Within the information leaflet it states (amongst other things):

"Do not use this medicine if you -

  • are a non-smoker".

That's a bit odd. Do they think non-smokers will buy this to try nicotine for the first time? Would we mistakenly buy it instead of candy? Have there been any non-smokers who have harmed themselves or their children with a pack of this stuff? Have there been any lawsuits? I'd like to know more. Or do all nicotine products caution non-smokers, just in case and I am just a noob in this field? Sometimes I find it amusing to think about why we are warned against some things (and not others).

By the way, 11 days done, without a single cigarette! I hope it's not too boring reading all my hurrays about days that have passed. It's certainly not boring writing them.


Yesterday S. was working from home. Sometime in the afternoon he came into the bedroom and asked why I do not come out of the other room. The living room is now safe, there is no smoking going on! :-) So I came out. He is right. Strangely enough, I hadn't realized this.

Also, he was talking a lot on Skype to his colleagues and I didn't want to make any noise and bother the hell out of him. "But that was HOURS ago", he said. So I spent the rest of the day with him, in our living room. Smoke did not join us.


Today I thought why not give a bit of publicity to some other things we are involved in. This blog is something we are doing with friends. Not sure which blog has less visitors on average, this one or that one, but there is probably a competition there.

These days the toilet blog comes in handy when we go to a restaurant or a café. Instead of going out for a cigarette, S. goes to the toilet to take some photos. That does sound a bit strange, now that I have written it down. Alright, he doesn't go to the toilet 2-3-4 times per meal to take photos, though that was how many he had smoked before and after the meal and perhaps before the dessert was served at restaurants. Especially, when we dined with smokers, it was a ritual to go outside for a bit.

And as for the toilet blog - I also think it is great to have a collection of anything that goes back a bunch of years. A variation from around the world. As far as keeping him occupied (even if you include uploading the photos, creating titles and adding URLs, etc.), it's not much, but it is surely fun. And it is also fun to see people looking at you funny - "you are taking photos of what?!". They probably think we are doing something disgusting. But it isn't gross (most of the time). Once they understand, most people ask us next time we meet, "do you want to take photos of this toilet" "or that one?" Or "I took a photo of a nice one, do you want me to send it to you"?

Yes, please, guest toilet posts are very welcome.

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