Monday 25 February 2013

The 22. Day

Another yoga class tonight. And on both days over the weekend. I got into an argument with the yoga teacher, oh, yeah, me of all people. I am usually the calmest, most reserved, nicest... Or am I, now? I think I might have changed a bit (a lot) over the past few years. I do like to say what I think. There is more and more of that these days. And guess what?! People don't like honesty much.

Except for S. He likes that I sometimes pick my fights and I don't hide my opinion. 

Anyways, I was down and out in Bikram yoga class Sunday night. It just hit me about two thirds through the class. Had a hard time breathing, the room was unusually hot and most of all I was feeling nauseous. So I sat down to have a break. The best thing you can do in this hot yoga class is to wait it out until the nauseous or whatever it is that is bothering you goes away. I decided to sit for a bit, then lie down. The yoga teacher, a very young looking girl comes over and asks if everything was alright. I told her I'll be okay, not feeling good at the moment. She asks something else, I sort of nod. I don't want to talk much more, I am feel like shit. I am wonder why she doesn't get it straight away. You come over, you ask, you have done your job, now you need to leave me alone. She then tells me I shouldn't lie down with my feet this way as it is disrespectful to the teacher. Disrespectful. What's that got to do with anything? I am working so hard, sweating like a big, and currently just simply trying to breath.  I might throw up on you if you don't go away this second. I didn't and she did move, finally. Perhaps because after a while I stopped talking to her.

After a few minutes I was back to the postures and continued on doing them until the end of the class.

The class ended, and straight after class people like to sit outside in the foyer to catch their breath. I was sitting there, the teacher comes over and asks if I was alright. AGAIN. At first I was very polite and said yes, I am fine, I just don't like to talk when I am feeling nauseous. People with brains would leave me alone at this point, no? But she keeps going. AGAIN she said that the reason she said I should lie down the other way was that it was disrespectful to lie with my feet towards the teacher.

So I said "I don't think that's true".

She said, "but it is".

I said, "Who said this, was it Bikram?"

She said, "No, it wasn't Bikram, it wasn't me, it has been known for hundreds of years".

I said, "Well, it's still makes no sense whatsoever". I refused to say anything to her after that and she finally gave up and left from my side.

"Mind over matter" is one of Bikram yoga's many slogan. So who cares then which way my feet are lying?

I have a few years experience in this type of yoga, even though I have been doing it on and off most of the time. But this bucket of crap about respect has not been said by any of the other teachers. And neither has anybody been so unwilling to knowledge how you should treat others and what to and not to do when they are feeling sick. And you want to be a teacher? Teaching people? Really?


This post has been about me, not S. Well, it's been a little bit about him, too. He has taught me and encouraged me throughout the years to stand up for myself and not take all ridiculous nonsense that people throw at you all the time. And of course it is they who get offended. What a surprise.


We don't sleep enough these days. I don't know why. You'd think we'd sleep much more, based on the amount of exercise we do these days.


Eagerly awaiting a certain surprise package.

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