Friday 22 February 2013

The 19. Day

We were both working from home yesterday and towards the afternoon S. emerged every hour to pick up the little identified flying object and have fun for 5 minutes. I got to try it out in the evening and it is indeed FUN! It's not easy to keep it in the air, because you are bound to fly it into plants, lamps and anything else nearby. But the helicopter seems to recover very well each time it becomes the victim of yet another disaster. Well, I did break a tiny yellow piece off of it, not at all intentionally, though, but surely crashing the tiny gadget many-many times. S. said it was an unimportant piece and wasn't angry at all.

You can't really get angry, playing with the copter is so much fun. It's gratifying to watch how it flies, you get the biggest laughs. You laugh the hardest, I am afraid, when it crashes. But it soon recovers and is ready to fly again.

5 minutes, then it looses it's strength and back to the charging board.

I don't know how long it will keep us occupied, but I highly recommend this toy. It also slightly depends on the pace by which I break the little parts off of it...


Strangely enough the quitting business does not come up in my head as often as it had in the previous weeks. Has it now become old news? Well...

It might be so in my head, but I bet he still has that urge several times a day.


We have been to 5 hot yoga classes so far. We struggle (a lot), but it's getting better (all the time). It was a bit strange for me at first to go together with someone as I have always gone on my own before. But it's not strange at all to do something together with him. So those familiar smiles, gestures are so satisfying while you try to concentrate on not kicking the sweaty bucket right there and then.


19 days done.

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