Wednesday 6 February 2013

The 2. Day

Yesterday we went to Belgo's where we have gone a bunch of times before, to celebrate, to share with friends or to purely have a good time, great food and drinks. I highly recommend it! It was a surprise for S., he loved it. After a difficult day, a well-deserved pot of mussels in green thai sauce with good Belgian beer. He was very happy.

What he said about the first day was this. "It went well, but time passed very-very slowly".

I also gave him a book I thought he would be keen to read. I think gifts help, too. Thoughtful gifts are always good. But it also show appreciation. And I am very proud of him.

I also gave him some ideas of what we could do together, creatively. We have creative projects and he always urges me to do more. These were a few ideas I have sketched out which could be turned into jewelery through 3D printing. He is so good at this, so I am looking forward to our creative moments, hours, days.

During dinner I also told him that I have plans, I will have ideas, but you can always veto.


The first way went well. The second seemed like shxt.

He was very irritated and shouting a lot at night. He couldn't sleep. He said I too signed the contract, so I should be helping him.

How do you help a shouting man?

But I did sign the contract, so I must.

He said we need to agree on a deadline. On a timeframe. If he cannot quit until then, let's forget this whole quitting business forever.

We agreed on a month. Was this a good decision? Whether it will be enough or not, I don't know. It's the decision we made, so we need to stick to it. I hope it will be enough.

I almost felt like throwing a pack of cigarettes at him. Here, fxck you. Do whatever you like. I can't cope with so much anger.

But I didn't. I had a contract with him. He had a contract with me.

CANNOT give up now. It just started.

He said I was quarrelling with him. I thought he was quarrelling with me. Perhaps he had slightly better reason to. I might be wrong.


The next morning (the morning of the 3. day) he asked, "did I overdo it last night?" I said, "just a touch". But I understand that you are irritated.

He asked what the price of cigarettes are. I wasn't sure. I thought 7 something. We tried to ask at Sainsbury's, but they wouldn't tell us the price unless we bought a pack. I didn't tell them it was for quitting purposes.

Oh well, I walked into the small shop further down the road, prices were as follows:
20 blue Camels: £8
10 blue Camels: £4.20

Later on I went back to Sainsbury's and asked for 20 Camels. She scanned it, I looked at the price and said, oops, sorry, don't need it after all. She must have been a bit annoyed, especially as she had to climb up a small ladder to get it (and then put it back). But oh, well, a small sacrifice to pay for our society. (or something).

At Sainsbury's 20 is: £7.77.

Good to know, actually.

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